There are two main categories of transfer function types that are provided by this package

  • Subtypes of TransferFunction which define a general transfer function model/measurement of a microscope apparatus and
  • Subtypes of SampledTransferFunction that may are created by providing a sampling scheme (most commonly a pixel size) to the TransferFunction. These are used when you are working with specific acquisition with known sampling rates/schemes.

Transfer Functions

You can describe a transfer of a microscope with either the optical transfer function (OTF) the point spread function (PSF) or the generalized pupil function. These descriptions are mostly interchangeable/convertible between each other.


It may the case that a model can be in a closed form expression for some of these and must be approximated for the others, which may be a reason for the choice between them for a specific model.

You can get a transfer function of your optical setup by supplying parameters of the apparatus to a model transfer function that is developed from the underlining physics of a microscope, then you will use a subtype of

Otherwise you can estimate the transfer function, most commonly by the means of an acquisition where the imaged sample is known such as sub-diffraction sized microspheres of known sizes. This approach will lead to a MeasuredTransferFunction

Sampled Transfer Functions

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